Monday, July 24, 2017

What should I do to him?

Question of Querent(female): What should I do to my male friend?
Type of spread: 3 main cards free, with 3 cards clarification each one.

In this case,  the 3 main cards are: 7 of pentacles, page of cups and 8 of wands. 
The cards is showing the state of mind of the querent: she thinks she will get a response from her friend just having a conversation with him. 7 of cups states her thoughts is a delusion, she won't get back. 
The 8 of wands with the 5 of wands as clarification makes me feel that she has to step away from her friendship, however, he won't heard anything that she might say to him. 

*EDIT*  I sent voice clip to the querent instead of write her, and as I hate to hear myself I wrote it when time has passed and my memory tricked me but the querent read the post I pointed me out that I didn't write correctly the reading. Original text: "In this case,  the 3 main cards are: 7 of pentacles, page of cups and 8 of wands. 
The cards is showing the state of mind of the querent: she thinks she will get a response from her friend just having a conversation with him. 7 of cups states her thoughts is a delusion, she won't get back. 
The 8 of wands with the 5 of wands as clarification makes me feel that she has to step away from her friendship, however, for her own mental health just told him about what she feels (I want to clarify is not romantic way) but she won't receive any response from him. "

Introduction of journal spread


       In the label of "Journal Spreads" in my blog you can find all my spread I've ever registered. First of all I want to mention that I own 2 decks for the moment: Rider-Waite and Hermetic tarot. Right now, for self spread I use my hermetic tarot and for other people my Rider-Waite. 

Friday, July 21, 2017

1. The magician (The magus of power)

Alchemy symbols: Fire (Next to the candle at the right foot of the magician), Earth (Between the athame and the flowers), the symbol of water in the chalice, the air below the chalice and the planet mercury resembles as the "sun" in black sphere.

Basic elements: The candle, athame, flowers, cards with a draw of a pentacles inside, the chalice and the swords. Those elements has multiples purposes. The first one is represent the minor arcana: the flower as the wands; cups as chalice; swords (isn't obvious), the pentacles as  the star of David. Also there is the presence of the four elements (besides for the elements of the minor arcana) , candle as fire, incense (the "smoke" behind the magician) as air, the water inside the chalice, the flowers as earth. The magician is inside of the circle made it by all the elements. As it knows, every work done by the magician should be protected with a circle.

Clothes of the magician: He is wearing a hat  with wings in the sides. long tunic that only show the hands and barely the foot. His left hand is holding a parchment

Mercury, in this case, is upper middle part of the card. Also Mercury is enclosed by a black sphere and between it, there are 2 wings (apparently eagle wings). Just below the black sphere, there is a big flower blooming, the petal of this flower is in fact snakes. 
The magician is holding his wand with the right hand and in the upper end, the wand has the star of david. The star of David in the wand is emitting a wave towards to soil (to be specific to the naked man). Also, the man is point to the start of David from below with his right hand and the other this man is holding a caduceus. The naked man is emitting a wave from his center of mass.  

Between the magician and the symbol of earth, there is an hebrew written as דפאל, tin hebrew this means Raphael, therefore this card is under Raphael Angels representation 

Extra notes: This card makes honours to its name. There are some hidden concepts of hermetism such as "As Above, So Below." (the waves from the wand towards to the soil and in contrast the wave from the man towards to wands). The caduceus is a symbolism of hermetism. 
Meaning of the caduceus according to wikipedia: represents number 8 (equilibrium amongst antagonist forces). Also represents of the eternal cosmic movement, the foundation of regeneration and infinite. It is the formal vertical symbol of the infinite.As is seen is the magician in Marselles and RWS based, the symbols as infinite is a lie down 8, but in this case is just the caduceus. 

This picture, Does remind you something? 

0. The fool (The spirit of the Ether)

Alchemy symbols: Air (Upper right corner of the fool), Pluto (symbol in the stream).
Check the meaning of the signature: in this cards is between the stream and the fool..

Pluto is in the stream (Note aside check pluto's influences or importance). The guy looks lost, not in time nor in space, only what happens surrounds to him. He is going close to the turbulent waters right towards to the crocodile (this crocodile is awaiting for the presence of the fool), he sees accompanied with a wild wolf. At first sight The fool just care and enjoy about the sun and the flower that he is holding. For his appearance, he seems nomade. There a symbol lie down above his belt.

Important detail: There are 2 flowers, a normal flower with thorn spinas under the symbol of air and the other which is opened  and hold by the fool under the sun. The waves of the sea is almost in the cliff. The sun ray has 3 concentric ring.  The luggage of the fool is close to him and almost falling into to sea.

The beginning

The main motivation of this blog is because I really interested in the hermetic tarot and unfortunately there are a lacked of blogs related with the  study of this tarot (besides reviews), therefore I decided to create one.
As first post in this blog, I want to say this is dedicated mainly in the study of the hermetic tarot. I write down the symbolism I've found in the 78 cards of this deck (not necessarily should be correct). I'll also show the spread I've made during this journey, some own discoveries of energy work. I'm in my way to start the study with the Thoth tarot. Also this blog will provide me as my own dream journal.

This will